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Habit Tracker/Gratitude Journal

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This ten page workbook gives you an opportunity to take YOU all in. By tracking where your thoughts go and the actions you take or not provides a top down view of how you view yourself. Every page offers you an opportunity to reflect daily, weekly and monthly, noticing the changes you are instilling into your day. Each one of us is a miracle and yet we never seem to take time to be in awe of who we are and how far we have come. You made it here, that in itself is a miracle. You've been through the trenches. You've been kicked down. You've stumbled, gotten off track and with all that you have become a resilient, warrior woman.

It is time to show a bit a gratitude, track your progress and create new healthy habits for all of your experiences. The good, the bad and ugly. There are lessons in each experience, show them some love. Recognize that each experience guided you to this exact spot. By tracking the new habits you wish to instill into your life and showing these habits a bit of gratitude you are training your mind that you are taking you serious. Lean into this workbook and let it guide you to a positive, new outlook.

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