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Dream Team - Finding Your Tribe

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Bring your dreams alive through the belief have have in yourself and with the support of those around you, either real or imagined. A Dream Team, Tribe or Sisterhood is a group of people that surround you and support your every move or challenge your negative thinking. The people on your Dream Team have traits you wish to have, a life you want to emulate, a way of being you wish to call forth. Use this powerful exercise to build a strong foundation that will guide you through obstacles and hold you on the path toward your deepest desires.

Finding friends as an adult can be an overwhelming experience. We tend to get stuck in our heads about what others will think of us, instead of simply wanting and deserving new friendship experiences. In this 10 page workbook you'll have an opportunity to ask yourself some questions and define the exact people you are looking for. Stay out of your head and drop down into your heart. Just imagine how happy someone is going to be to have you in their life.

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